Changing Engine Oil Filter
When changing your engine oil filter, turn a zip lock bag inside-out and use it like a glove to reach the filter (similar to picking up dog poop). Carefully unscrew the filter and slide the bag over the filter. Zip it shut and discard.
Radio Etiquette
- To hail another vessel, call the name of the vessel 2 or 3 times, followed by your own vessel’s name (and
station ID if applicable)
- Wait for a response then immediately switch to a working channel
- For example, say “New Goose, New Goose, New Goose, this is Seabird 1170486 on channel 16, over.”
• The term “over” let’s the listeners know you are releasing the key
- The response might be, “Seabird, this is New Goose. Switch channel 68, over.”
- Seabird would answer, “Seabird switching 68.”
• Both vessels switch their radios to 68, hail each other and converse normally
- At the end of the conversation, “Seabird returning to stand by channel 16.” or “New Goose out.”
- The term “out” signifies that you are terminating the conversation
• Never say "over and out." Those are conflicting terms
Choose the right Sacrificial Anode for the type of water you boat in
1) Zinc - Salt Water
2) Aluminum - Brackish Water
3) Magnesium - Fresh Water