HCNSYC Members:
This forwarded message from ABYA is a benefit of being a HCNSYC member. Please see the attached flier. If you plan on attending the ABYA Spring Dinner Dance by boat or by car, I suggest you get your ticket money in ASAP as stated on the attached flier. Also, if you want to be put on the waiting list for a boat well request, let me know ASAP along with sending an email to ABYA VC Leslie Leitch. HCNSYC has already filled their allotted 5 boat wells along with a request for an additional 5 boat wells. HCNSYC has always been a big supporter of this event.
Looking forward to a safe and fun 2021 boating season! Make sure you check out HCNSYC new website www.hcnsyc.com for all updates!
Sue Merony, Past Commodore/ABYA Delegate
Harbor Club North South Yacht Club
---------- Forwarded message --------- Date: Mon, Apr 19, 2021 at 1:25 PM Subject: ABYA April Quill April 18th, 2021 Hello All, AND WE'RE OFF!!! We had a very informative April GMM at HPYC. There were awards to give out that were not given out at the March meeting. We heard from our new Chaplin. We promoted the Horse Racing/Spaghetti fundraiser and the Spring Dinner Dance and made some progress towards 'normalcy'. Our first fundraiser is under our belt and a BIG success! Because everything to put this together was donated, we were able to profit just under $2,000. Thank you to the clubs that came: (if I forgot anyone, please forgive me.)
Anchor Bay Power Squadron
Sailing Singles
Y-Knot Boat Club
Bayside Yacht Club
North Channel Yacht Club
Belvidere Boat Club
Nautical Mile Yacht Club and of course
Huron Pointe Yacht Club
The clubhouse and the hospitality of the Huron Pointe Yacht Club afforded us great success. Thank you Commodore Ed and crew.
A special thank you to my Board. We make a fantastic team. (Jill is a wonderful cook). Everyone donated their time and effort.
The Winners Circle had some very unique gifts. Truly some great prizes. Thank you to all those that donated. EVERYONE was a winner! They all seemed to have a fun day!
(No pun intended, well maybe) We had great success with our first fundraiser, let's Blow the Spring Dinner Dance out of the Water!! Flyer enclosed
Reserve your well
Send in your ticket monies-seating, food quantity and capacity depend on it.
Drop off your donations
Pass the word to your clubs
Our next meeting is at the 9 Mile Amvets on May 3rd. Reminder that it is dress WHITES that night.
We are still looking for a Rear Commodore for this year and one for next year.
Thank you for your continued support in these still trying times.
2021 ABYA Commodore
Patricia Mok